Discover Scuba Diving

The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program introduces people to scuba diving in a highly supervised and relaxed manner. It dispels common misconceptions about scuba by letting individuals try it for themselves. Under the guidance of a PADI professional, new divers learn basic safety concepts, put on equipment and swim around underwater in a closely supervised environment.
The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program can take place in a swimming pool, protected confined open water area and at an open water dive site — anywhere an appropriate, positive introduction to scuba diving is possible.

After trying scuba, many new divers may decide to repeat the experience. If not immediately, then on other occasions or in different areas. Others will choose to pursue certification by enrolling in a PADI Scuba Diver or Open Water Diver course. The desired result is to excite people about scuba diving and encourage additional participation.
When certain requirements are met, new divers may earn credit toward PADI Scuba Diver and Open Water Diver certification.